MPA is more than a TLA



Stage fright. Nerves. Shaky legs. Deer in the headlights.

Any of this sound familiar?

Music Performance Anxiety (or MPA) is so much more than a three-letter acronym (TLA).

Knowing more about why we can experience these feelings and sensations can make a massive difference to how much we are able to enjoy and be present with our own performance.

Together, we will develop a scientific understanding of what is going on in our brains and bodies (hello there, polyvagal theory!) AND play with a host of strategies that you can tailor to your own needs faced with MPA.

Nicky will be sharing her own learnings as an accomplished singer, coupled with her advanced training as a Vocal Pedagogue and Neuro-Linguistic Programming practitioner. Get ready to embrace all of your own experiences as a performer!


be your own voice teacher


message in motion